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We want everyone to experience a fun-filled, safe day at Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Therefore, visitors of all ages are expected to observe the following rules and regulations:

  • Respect the Animals:  Do not make loud sounds, bangs on windows, throw objects into exhibits, harass or tease the animals. Anyone found doing any of the above will be asked to leave.
  • Do Not Feed the Animals: All park animals are on a carefully structured diet. Introducing outside food can cause illness to the animals. There are feeding opportunities during safari tours under the supervision of your tour guide, at the Feed-a-Tiger event, and at the Pet-n-Feed.
  • Items Not Permitted: Balloons, bicycles, skates of any kinds, scooters, radios, noisemakers, glass containers, Frisbees, barbeque grills, water guns or water balloons (water spray bottles are allowed on hot days), fireworks or other items that could injure animals or people are not permitted while visiting the Park. You are welcome to bring your wheelchair, stroller or wagon.
  • No Alcohol or Illegal Drugs: Guests appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted at the Park and will be asked to leave. Out of Africa Wildlife Park reserves the right to refuse admittance to such persons.
  • No Weapons; Firearms and other weapons are not permitted. Off-duty police carrying a weapon must notify Admissions/Guest Services upon entering the Park.
  • Smoking is Prohibited Throughout the Park: Two designated outdoor smoking areas are located by the Park entrance and at the upper court area near the Tiger Splash arena.
  • Shirts and Shoes Required at All Time: Out of Africa Wildlife Park is a family environment. Please exercise proper etiquette during your visit.
  • Food and Beverages Cannot Be Brought Into the Park: That includes large coolers. Guests may bring bottled water into the park. No facilities are available for food storage.
  • No Pets or Service Animals: Free roaming animals and free flight birds of prey may be present at Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Furthermore, keepers are frequently in with big cats that are wild by nature. Pets or service animals can trigger instincts that pose a severe risk to our keepers. For the safety of your animals, our guests, and our staff who work with wild animals directly, we do not allow pets and service animals inside the park.
  • Pets in Vehicles: We discourage guests from bringing pets and leaving them in parked vehicles. Distressed pets will be removed from vehicles if deemed necessary for the safety of the animal.
  • Stay on Pathways: Barriers between you and the animals are there to protect both you and the animals from harm. Please do not lift children over rails, let them play on rocks, rest them on railings or stick fingers or arms through fences. Do not enter non-public areas.
  • While Riding on Park Vehicles: Please remain seated at all times when riding on a Park vehicle. Except for infants, all children must stay in their seats.
  • You May Be Photographed: By entering the Out of Africa Wildlife Park, you might be photographed, videotaped, or filmed by Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Your admission to the Park serves as permission for the use of your image for promotional purposes by Out of Africa Wildlife Park, business partnerships, and its constituents. Each guest individually and on behalf of his/her minor children further waives any right to pre-approval, royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of imagery.
  • No Distribution of Printed Literature: Distribution and sale of literature, goods or services are strictly regulated. Any such activity can only take place if approved by, and with prior arrangement in writing, from Out of Africa Wildlife Park.
  • Do Not Take Risks: If you ever see a person in immediate danger, contact Park staff immediately. DO NOT TAKE RISKS IN ANIMAL HABITATS. Park staff will provide critical information to emergency services.
  • No Refunds or Rain Checks; The Park is not required to issue refunds or exchanges due to inclement weather or animal availability.
  • We Reserve the Right: If anyone engages in, or appears to be participating in inappropriate or offensive conduct, Out of Africa Wildlife Park reserves the right to refuse or revoke admission, as determined by Out of Africa Wildlife Park. The Park is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles.
❤️Use code LOVE25 for $4 off your General Admission ticket through the month of February❤️