Your submission to this site must be original and created by you (not copied), in good taste, legal, accurate and true, non-defamatory, non-threatening, non-confidential, non-infringing of copyrights owned by others and relevant for this site.
Please do not enter HTML (it will be converted to text) or ALL CAPS (they will be converted to lower case). No single photo file may exceed 5MB in size. All photos submitted to the site must be in .gif, .jpg, .bmp, or .png format. Any file not meeting these requirements will be rejected upon submission. In general, landscape layout (more wide than tall) will look better than portrait layout (more tall than wide). All photos will be scaled to fit the standard display boxes on our site.
Unless the invitation for submissions on this web page specifically states, permits, or requests otherwise, your submission should be non-commercial/non-promotional in nature and should not contain commercial web addresses, e-mail addresses or phone numbers.
Out of Africa Wildlife Park reserves the right to reject your submission, or to edit/delete any parts of it that violate this Agreement, including the right to ban violators from submitting again. Out of Africa Wildlife Park may also edit to improve clarity (ex., typos).
I certify that I have the right to submit the text and photo(s) that I am submitting. My submission signifies agreement to the above and that I agree to grant to Out of Africa Wildlife Park an exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual license to publicly display my submission on Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Submission of photo(s) or other image(s) is on a non-exclusive basis. I grant Out of Africa Wildlife the right to pursue anyone who copies my submission.